Berlin, Germany 2019: The initiative "Extinction Rebellion" blocked major traffic routes in the city center.
Dresden, Germany 2019: Anti Racist Protest "Unteilbar" against racism in Saxony.
Portland, Oregon 2021: March for reproductive rights following a Texas legislation passed in early September, giving the U.S. Supreme Court occasion to uphold or overrule Roe v. Wade.
Brandenburg; Germany 2019: Activists protest the European Gas Pipeline Link (EUGAL) project to highlight the effects of natural gas on the climate.
Berlin, Germany 2020: Annual 8th of March Women's day demonstration.
Berlin; Germany 2018 & 2018: Annual Pro Choice Protest for reproductive rights.
Berlin, Germany 2018: "MyGruni" calls out for the annual ironic "property expropriation" demonstration on 1st May in the wealthy neighbourhood Grunewald.
Berlin, Germany 2022: "Bans off my Body" Protest for the right to fully-informed legal and safe abortions.
Berlin, Germany 2021: Polish Pro Choice Protest "TECHNO PROCESJA & WIPJERDALATSCH" as a reaction to Poland’s ruling that abortion due to fetal defects is unconstitutional, rejecting the most common of the few legal grounds for pregnancy termination.